Iberian Champs Long (2016-04-24)
Kategooria: Training
Distants: 14.56 km
Aeg: 104:11
Interesting long course where was very important to navigate avoiding green areas and being accurate. I was the first runner of the class so it was a good training to improve the concentration under pressure.

My mistakes mainly came by unsafety. I lost 2 minutes in control 5 because I arrived well to the element but didnt see the control and I started to run around it and finally I found it, was a bit hidden. In my way to control 10, I got stuck in the middle of the green and couldnt get out so it took me another 2 minutes. Finally I lost another 2 minutes between 15 and 16 because I wasnt cofident.

The good point of view was that I managed to navigate well on the long legs. Also I could run well the whole race (I wanst able to do that in long courses in Elite until now)
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Iberian Champs Long (2016-04-24) Iberian Champs Long (2016-04-24)